Saturday, April 30, 2016

Interview with Dr. Daliang Wang

 By Fiona Rawsontile, April 2016

 I got to know Dr. Wang when he first announced his candidacy for a department chair position. Since it’s uncommon for Chinese scholars to assume administrative roles in academia, I became interested in knowing more about him. So while traveling back and forth between his current and future institutes, wrapping up old business and setting up new, Dr. Wang had to put up with the interruptions and spare time satisfying my curiosity. But I justify myself by imagining that others may also benefit from his experience and wisdom.

Fiona: At the time you applied for the Chair position, had you been shopping around for administrative openings?

Dr. Wang: I had never considered leaving my current university or seeking an administrative position until about a year ago. I was frustrated at the time when I bumped into this opening. I said to myself, “That seems like a position for me.” So I applied.

Fiona: I’m glad you did it. During the job interview, while facing your future colleagues, some of whom were probably more established than you are, have you ever doubted that you would be the right person for the business? How did you know you were ready?

Dr. Wang: I guess it’s like many other journeys in my life: I was not fully ready but had to embark on anyway. I have been working on developing programs and initiatives that fostered leadership since I started as an assistant professor. In a way, I had been preparing myself when the opportunity presented luckily. I still can’t say I am ready now, but I know I can do it in the days to come. I also believe that leadership requires a different set of skills that are not necessarily associated with academic achievements or seniority.

Fiona: I agree; it has more to do with the person’s willingness to serve a group or make a difference. What was the most difficult part during the interview? Ever wished you had known more about the individuals in the department?

Dr. Wang: You are right that the most difficult part of my interview was the lack of knowledge on the exact issues/problems faced by the department in advance. I gave an oral presentation largely based on my speculations, experience, and limited information about the faculty. During my second campus interview, I spoke to everyone in the department and discussed about their specific concerns. But still, I gained their votes without being able to please everyone.  

Fiona: You specialize in teaching non-native speakers second languages. Have you observed differences in the way native English speakers learn Chinese, as opposed to how Chinese people learn English? Do you have any advice for us ESL learners?

Dr. Wang: I believe in terms of complexity, every language is about the same, while the challenge in learning each of them is unique. For Chinese, it is the characters and tones that frustrate non-native learners. The ways of approaching a language, English or Chinese, depend on the educational practices the learners are comfortable with. So it’s hard to characterize how Americans differ from Chinese in learning a foreign language.

As for advice on learning English, I think anyone who is reading this article must have had some good ideas already. For me, I enjoyed learning English and using it in life, such as watching TV shows, movies, and reading.

Fiona: Maybe that enjoyment is the key. Do you think your linguistic expertise has advanced your career by equipping you with exceptional skills to sway your audience?

Dr. Wang: Yes and no. As Confucius said, “The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his action”. I cannot downplay the importance of words, but for this position, language was actually not in my favor as other competitors were all native-born Americans. I guess I convinced my future employer by fully presenting myself, including my education, experience, vision, and even my disposition.

Fiona: Would you like to share with us some administrative experience in the past? What kind of leadership style do you have?

Dr. Wang: I have been assuming quite a few leadership roles in and out of my institute since I started career. My most significant administrative experience came from the Intensive English Program that I established with my colleagues. As a language teacher, I had always wanted to create a program to help international students succeed in American universities. We built everything from scratch. As the founding director, I was involved in every aspect of the program establishment, including budgeting, teacher hiring and evaluation, and student recruiting and advising. That experience provided me with valuable firsthand knowledge as an administrator. As a result, we had quite a success for the first year and the program kept growing thereafter.

As for my leadership style, my goal is to assemble a well-balanced combination of leadership skills.  I would tailor my management strategies according to the situation and the individuals involved. I believe in democracy and open-communication, but when necessary, I can be decisive and tough. 

Fiona: Speaking of tough situations, what would you do if a senior faculty doesn’t listen to you or acknowledge the goals you’ve set for the team?

Dr. Wang: This is a fairly common question with no fixed answer, given that every circumstance is unique. Changes can bring problems and conflicts to certain people. If a senior faculty disagrees with me, first I would try to understand his/her perspective by listening, to see if there is a common ground. I would also seek alliance and support from others, or tackle the issue from a different angle. In the worst case when nothing works, you will have to deal with it straightforwardly. i.e., firing that person (if I can!) or just leaving him alone. Either way, I will make sure I document every step.

Fiona: Yes, keep the documentation. What do you think is the most important element for a group of people, who are largely autonomous with respect to their financial and professional status, to function as a team?

Dr. Wang: It’s apparently challenging to lead a group of professors, especially when they are literally from all over the world. Collegiality is the element that I will strive to cultivate and maintain for the department.  I will set up commonly-shared goals, transparent decision-making process, and sound mentorship, to name a few. I imagine the whole department as a ship where everyone is in the right position. They don’t have to work with each other daily, but as long as everyone is doing his/her job, the ship will be moving forward.

Fiona: On staff recruitment and tenure promotion, will you hire additional faculty in the next five years to open up new areas, strength the existing, or simply replace the to-be-retired? How would you plan to help young faculty reach the tenure criteria?

Dr. Wang: I do have a few plans to expand existing programs and establish new ones. For example, I will expand the minor in Chinese Language and create a minor in Asian Studies and Japanese. I also hope to build a joint graduate program with other departments. I intend to hire more tenure-track faculty to consolidate those programs.

Yes, I have plans for assisting young faculty in their early career, both formally and informally. Mandatory activity includes periodic observations, annual evaluations, third-year reviews, etc., which will be put in handbooks. Informal ones may come from diverse sources, such as peer-mentoring, external mentoring, and university-sponsored workshops. I will form a mentoring group and a supporting “net” for every new hire and make sure no one’s left out.

Fiona: “Glass Ceiling” is a frequent complaint we hear from Chinese faculty in the western societies, especially male. What are the obstacles you’ve observed on their way of pursuing an administrative career? What kind of skills they should try to consciously acquire for this purpose?

Dr. Wang: I actually hit my “Glass Ceiling” at my previous institute and have been struggling for a while before I got the current offer. In my case, I don’t think it had anything to do with me being a Chinese male, but certain obstacles, such as gender, race, or seniority, do exist for many of us. For me, I got caught up with the administrative transition.

We may not change things that are out of our control, but we can always improve ourselves. Unlike many Chinese professors who focus on research and scholarships, I enjoy teaching and working with people. I have been purposefully polishing my skills in communication, socialization, and public speaking ever since I came here. Those efforts may not guarantee an administrative career, but they made me better at what I do. I know my limits and exactly what I wanted. I work hard along my career path, not for the glory of the destination but for the joy of the journey itself.

Fiona: Thank you very much, Dr. Wang! Please remember to come back and share with us your new experience as you climb up the hills. And enjoy the hiking, just as you said!

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